Privacy policy
Why we gather information
Plasto handles anonymous user statistics on the website as part of optimizing functionality, user experience and security.
How we gather the information
The information is collected through the use of cookies, logging of IP addresses, email, phone and open sources.
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer when you download a webpage. You can decide if a website should be able to save such cookies in your browser by changing the settings. More information about what cookies we use are located at the bottom of the document. Do you want to learn more about cookies? Visit the website
Logging of IP addresses
IP addresses are obtained by anyone who visits our website. This is done to safeguard security, find fault sources or access control. The IP address can only be linked to persons who give us access to personal information. Such information can be used to compare the IP address and activity of the web pages.
IP addresses are stored over a period that allows you to maintain good functionality and security. IP addresses that have been manually blocked, e.g. due to security breaches will be stored as long as necessary to prevent further security breaches.
Delivery of personal data to third parties
We will not disclose or transfer your personal information to others unless there is a legal basis or order for such disclosure.
Business-critical solutions are secured with 2-factor authentication where only employees in the company have access. Backup is stored encrypted. Communication between the solutions is encrypted.
Personal information not deemed necessary for further customer relationships or follow-up will be deleted.
Those registered in Plasto’s systems are entitled to access in their own information. The person also has the right to request that incorrect, incomplete information be corrected, deleted or supplemented.
Contact information
Plasto AS
6300, Åndalsnes
T: +47 71 22 01 00
E: [email protected]
The following cookies can be used on our website
Google Analytics
Used to analyze how visitors use the website. The cookies are anonymous and can not be linked directly to a particular person.
Google Analytics uses the following cookies: ga, gid, _gat. You can read more about these and what feature they have on Google Analytics’s webpages
Used to analyze traffic on the website, and determine whether this is secure or malicious.
Wordfence uses the following cookies: wordfence_verifiedHuman, wfvt_[ID].
Used to display individual fonts. Typekit collects user statistics and other types of data specified in their privacy statement. You can read more on
Used to display videos on the website. Vimeo uses its own cookies and collects user statistics. You can read more on